Tag Archives: tutor

Coaching junior level chess is as challenging as it is rewarding

That’s why every school holidays the staff at Chesslife come together to share what they know about the art of imparting chess wisdom to our hundreds of beginner to intermediate level students.


No single teacher has the answer to every question (especially in the chess world, where the variations go into the millions!). By working as a team the Chesslife staff make sure all our students benefit from the same high quality learning experience delivered within the Step Method chess curriculum.


The best way to make sure our high standards are met is through collaboration between coaches. Once a term, we consult on everything from teaching tricky lessons like checkmating with a king and queen to using terminology appropriate to the developmental level of your class.


There’s no greater asset to a strong business than a strong team, and as Henry Ford said:


‘Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success’.

Of course, the benefits of teamwork go beyond sharing didactic knowledge. Being among a group of enthusiastic chess players keen to share their skills is inspiring for everyone involved in chess.


 We all learn from each other, and ultimately become better coaches!

Click here to find out more about the Chesslife team.

Why should you choose an accredited tutor?

At Chesslife we pride ourselves on the quality of the coaching we deliver to the schools, disability support services and community groups we work with. While we believe firmly that chess is an exciting and accessible sport for anyone to learn and play, we also know that teaching it isn’t something just anyone can do.

What qualities should you look for in a chess coach?

And how can you make sure your coach knows how to make chess engaging and bring out the best it has to offer bright young minds?

Accredited Tutor


One way is to look for an accredited tutor. Accredited tutors are required to undertake an independently assessed, world-leading tutor training qualification, and have their background and qualification thoroughly checked out before they’re approved.


They’re also accountable to the Australian Tutoring Association’s Industry Standards, so you know you’re working with a tutor you can trust.

All of our Chesslife chess coaches are fun, knowledgeable and helpful teachers, as well as experienced players in their own right.


We train them to use the Step by Step Method of teaching chess, a proven technique that was developed in the Netherlands 20 years ago to bring a logical and progressive structure to chess learning.

You can now check out our head coach, David Koetsier’s accredited tutor profile here!