What is your name?
Hello my name is Henry Slater-Jones
What is your current rating?
My international rating (FIDE rating) is 1825
What is your age?
I am 14 years old and 3 months
How old were you when you started playing chess?
I started playing chess when I was 4 years and a half years old
How many hours per week/day do you study/practise chess?
I do fourteen hours of practicing and study chess every single week

What is your favourite chess book/resource?
It would be the step chess books that my coach has given me to practice my tactics
Oh and my very first chess book was Chess 5334 Problems, Combinations and Games
How old were you when you became a titled player?
I became a candidate master (CM) when I was 13 years old at the 2015 Oceania Zonal in Sydney
Is this your first International Tournament?
Yes this is my first International tournament.
Who is your favourite player (past and present) and why?
My favourite player of the past is Paul Morphy, this is because he was a great tactician which made his game great to watch! Currently my favourite player is Magnus Carlsen as he can play any chess opening and play it well. I also like him because he shows all juniors if you work hard as a junior you can go far in chess
What do you think of the size of the Australian Junior Chess League?
I think the size of AUSJCL (Australian Junior Chess League) is continuing to grow which is very pleasing. With the expansion it also gives us more chance to make our own Carlsen
What has chess taught you?
Chess has taught me to be gracious when you lose and to be humble when you win; it has taught me the difference in behaviour between a boy and a man and has helped me to become one
How do you think chess has helped you socially, mentally and at school?
Chess has allowed me to get more friends, it has helped me with concentration on something for a long time and playing chess helped me get better marks at school
How would you describe your style of play
I would think I am more of a player who really likes to get avoid complications and to get a good position
What are your goals for the future?
To get a national chess title next year
What advice would you give Australian Junior Chess players
To never give up on your goals; with hard work and dedication you will always get there.