Category Archives: Blog

The 42nd Olympiad has started!

The Olympiad is the largest chess tournament you can attend and host country Azerbaijan has set the standard even higher! With a spectacular opening ceremony on Thursday 1st September at the National Gymnasium Arena, the 42nd Olympiad has officially started.


 So what is the Chess Olympiad?
The Chess Olympiad is a chess tournament that runs every 2 years and is the biggest chess event on the calendar. FIDE (The World Chess Federation) organised the first Official Olympiad in 1927 in London. There is an Open Division and a Women’s division. Teams of 5 play 11 rounds where the defending champions China will need to work hard against the highest rated team Russia and second seed USA.
Players and Countries

For this event there are a record breaking amount of players; the total number of participants is 1,607 with 899 in the open and 708 in the women’s event.The number of participating teams is 181 from 176 countries in the open section and 142 from 137 countries in the women’s section. Seven countries, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Eritrea, Kosovo, Liberia and South Sudan, all participate for the first time. (numbers from Wikipedia)


Australia is currently ranked 46th in the Open division and 54th in the Women’s division. We will keep you posted on their progress!


Juniors and the Olympiad
And it is incredible to see so many juniors play this year: in the Open division there are over 50  players who are 18 years or younger, that makes a staggering 6%!
The players are from far and wide, from countries we can only dream of visiting one day. For example 18 year old IM David Silva from Angola, 16 year old Hin Leong Seak from Macau and 17 year old FM Joshua Johnson from Trinidad and Tobago. Australia is also showing its strength around junior chess with the participation of 15 year old IM Anton Smirnoff. (Photo courtesy of Cathy Rogers)
The youngest participants in the Open section are 13 years old; CM Dante Beukes from Namibia, Alireza Firouszja from Iran and FM Mahammad Muradli from Azerbaijan.


For the next 14 days we will bring you daily reviews and study material from the junior chess players at the Olympiad from those places far and wide. It only seems fitting that we start with a player from the host country of Azerbaijan.

13 year old FM Mahammad Muradli obtained his FIDE Master title in 2015 while competing in the World Youth Cadets U12 Open, taking out the gold trophy. He is playing on board 2 in the third Olympiad Azerbaijani team. (The host country is elligble to have multiple teams participate). Currently ranked number 24th in the world for the U14 players, he is certainly one to watch!

FM Mahommad
Photo courtesy of Reint Dykema
Click on the chess board below for an interactive analysis of the game:
board 1

Spotlight on Girls in Chess: Susanne Wells

Susanne Wells is one of South Australia’s Under 18 female chess players. Currently studying in Year 11 at Adelaide High School, she participates regularly in both team and individual tournaments.


We stole a few minutes of her time at a recent tournament in Adelaide to ask her some questions about what it’s like to compete in a typically male-dominated sport.

Chesslife: What do you like about chess?

Susanne: I appreciate the logic and calculation in chess. Also, I enjoy attacking and playing aggressive chess.

Chesslife: Who is your favourite chess player?

Susanne: There are a lot of chess players that I admire. Some of them may not be that good on the international stage but they are still exemplars and role models for me.

My two favorite players would have to be Fabiano Caruana (one of the top players in the world) and David Smerdon (an Australian grandmaster).

I also look up to Hou Yifan (who is the strongest female player in the world) and hope to follow in her footsteps.


Chesslife: What do you like about playing all girls compared to mixed tournaments where you play boys and girls?

Susanne: Playing against other girls in the Australian Junior Chess Championship U18 Girls was a rare experience for me. I have only played in four girls-only tournaments in my life and this was the fourth.

Generally, woman’s tournaments are easier than mixed tournaments. I think this is not because girls are generally worse than boys at chess, it is because we have a smaller pool of players. Unfortunately, it seems that less girls take chess seriously than guys.

I prefer playing in woman’s tournaments because I have a higher chance of winning, but I do know that playing in mixed tournaments is better as I learn more. I believe that we learn more losing than winning, even though we all prefer to win our games.


(Photo courtesy of @DaffodilDayChess)

Chesslife: How many girls do you know that play chess, and do you think there is a difference between playing against girls or boys?

Susanne: In South Australia, there are only about 5-6 girls my age that play chess out of school. We all know each other and are a close-knit group of friends. I do also have a team of girls that I am training up for school chess.

I am very lucky to have found a team that takes chess seriously and enjoy it. I give them extra coaching at lunchtimes and hopefully we will get to National Interschool Championships!


(Photo courtesy of @DaffodilDayChess)



Australian Researcher on Why Pokemon Go and Chess Benefit Autistic Youth

What do Pokemon Go, Chess and Autism have in common?

By now, unless you’ve been living under a rock (or a Geodude), you’ve probably heard of the global phenomenon that is Pokemon Go. The creator of Pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, an autistic man himself, developed the game out of his passion for video games.


If you’ve been following our blog, you’ll already know that it’s mental health benefits are now recognised alongside those of playing chess.

At Chesslife we support things that benefits young minds, particularly those with special learning styles such as autism.

By all accounts, Pokemon Go is doing exactly that.

The so-called ‘augmented reality’ game is increasingly being recognised by educators as beneficial to those who live with behavioural disabilities such as ASD.

The reason? It gets them out of the house, it gets them socialising, and it gets them doing things they wouldn’t otherwise have a reason to do.


PhD researcher Craig Smith in an interview with ABC described Pokemon Go as an “unheralded” opportunity for children on the autism spectrum to discover new social opportunities.

The visual nature of the game, combined with its ‘active mindset’ makes it the perfect conduit for making friends.

pokemon go

Photo courtesy of ABC:

Autism and chess

From a very young age those on the autism spectrum often display a proclivity for games, enjoying an immersion in them at times unreachable by those untouched by the learning disability.

People living with autism often excel at visual, systematic tasks, such as chess and Pokemon Go.

In fact, many well known chess players are acknowledged or are rumoured to be on the autism spectrum. It’s even been speculated that the great Bobby Fischer himself was on the autism spectrum!


Our qualified chess coaches are experienced at engaging with special learning styles. We highly recommend chess as a tool for improving the social skills of those with autism, as well as for the academic and cognitive benefits it provides. Chesslife is also part of the Autism Friendly Charter coordinated by Autism SA, you can read more about this HERE.

autism friendly image

Click HERE to find out more about how you or your child can get involved in chess!

Exclusive Interview with creator of Step-by-Step method

Cor van Wijgerden is not a name many South Australians are familiar with.


But the Dutch chess coach and Step Method co-creator to whom it belongs deserves recognition for the structured chess education of hundreds of our brightest young minds.


In Part Two of our series on the unique Step Method of teaching chess we present an exclusive interview with the man responsible for its inception. (If you haven’t read it yet, click here to read Part One).

steps books


Chesslife: The Step Method has been in publication since 1985, what was the inspiration to commence such a big project?

Cor: We started in 1985, the first publication appeared in 1987.

Since 1982 I was the national coach of the Netherlands and produced a lot of training material. This material ended up (via my students) at local chess clubs. People started to ask for (much) easier material. I asked Rob Brunia for help; an expert in beginners chess.

People liked the material. We offered the Dutch Federation the material, but they refused. This refusal gave enough inspiration to continue! (next to the fact that many people asked us to go on).


Chesslife: What do you think it is about this system that is so effective compared to other systems?

Cor: Going not too fast is certainly an important factor. A proper board vision is essential before you teach combinations like the double attack. What’s the use if a child drops a lot of pieces in a game (and doesn’t take ones it could take for free) to teach new stuff.

There is a lot more to say. Let’s look at an overview:

Important: A coach is Essential!

  1. The Curriculum
    1. Takes into account the chess development of the child
    2. Consists of small topics (often one theme at a time)
    3. Is structured
    4. Is constructed consistently, the order is important
    5. Repetition and tests are in build (we forget if we don’t repeat)
    6. Offers many possibilities to differentiate
  2. The Coach
    1. Doesn’t require to be an educator (although experience is very beneficial)
    2. Is provided with a ready-to-go course
    3. Has to in the beginning prepare and understand each step beforehand
    4. Is able to only require short preparation time once familiar with Step
    5. Doesn’t have to develop own learning material
    6. Needs an understanding of chess, a couple of steps above the one being coached to be able to analyse games appropriately
  3. The student
    1. Can learn at their own pace and at their own level
    2. Is taught mainly subjects that can be put into practise immediately
    3. Learns skills and knowledge, not just one or the other
    4. Will learn to combine skills and knowledge when put in practise


Chesslife: What do children learn from the workbooks that they wouldn’t otherwise learn through ‘regular chess coaching’?

Cor: The Step method consists of 4 pillars.

  • instruction (Manual)
  • workbooks (Students)
  • playing (Students v. Students of course, but also Trainer against student in a simul)
  • discussing the games (Trainer and student)


The workbooks are the most visible but the other three are as meaningful. Important to realize is that the books are a mean and not a goal. Chess training is more than just distributing workbooks. The trainer should correct and discuss the exercises.

Chesslife: What do you think are the major differences between teaching using the Step Method among the many countries? Should there be a different approach to teaching the method in the Netherlands compared to Australia?

Cor: I have taught chess in many different countries. All beginners like to capture pieces. There is no significant difference. The foreign version (from the Dutch view) has existed for 13 years now. I have never had any remark about a different approach.

Chesslife: Have any other countries adopted the Step method as their official teaching approach and thereby have the support of their national federation?

 Cor: Most federations promote only their own material. Switzerland was the first foreign country where the Steps were officially approved by the Federation. The number of translations and the sale to certain countries indicates that at least in 14 counties the method is widely used.



Stay tuned for Part Three where we discuss the teaching methods that head coach David Koetsier learnt under the tutelage of Cor van Wijgerden.

What does ‘Autism Friendly’ mean?

We are proud to be part of the Autism Friendly Charter coordinated by Autism SA and supported by the NDIS. But what does ‘Autism Friendly’ mean?

Autism SA

‘The Autism Friendly Charter provides a framework for business, organisations and services to become and maintain an autism friendly environment. This will ensure people on the autism spectrum and their families feel welcome and comfortable within the wider community.’

So what does it mean for Chesslife?

  • It means we are open, accepting and understanding of chess players with Autism.
  • It means we are not judgmental towards some of your unique features and we are accommodating towards your needs.

Our highly experienced team knows what challenges may arise during a class and are more than happy to listen or to help you find some quiet space when it all becomes a bit too much.

  • It means we are happy if you want to touch all the chess pieces before you start, or want to straighten them up on the board.
  • It means we are happy if you want to sit under the table for a bit.
  • It means we are happy if you want to wear sunglasses or head phones, because sometimes we are unable to control the environment.


Chess classes provide an excellent setting where you can be among people that have the same special interest. You will find many people that would love to talk openings, end games or amazing games you have played. But you can also choose to just play a game of chess, without any talking.


If you want to know more about our coaches and read a bit about them, why not visit our TEAM PAGE. If you would like to know which coach comes to your school, just drop us an EMAIL and we will let you know.


If you would like to know what you will be learning in the first 10 classes, why not download our basic Fact sheet learning chess so you can get ready and prepare.

If you would like to know more about the educational system we use in our classes that will allow you to learn at your own pace, have a look HERE


Teaching students with Autism is one of our most rewarding parts of our roles. You can read about some of our experiences in our BLOG.


We are here to make the learning of chess as enjoyable and fun as we can and are looking forward to seeing you soon!

If you have any other questions, or would like to tell us more about yourself before you come to one of our chess classes, why not drop us an EMAIL or give us a CALL. We love to hear from you!

autism friendly image

Interschool Chess Championships and how a local council has made a difference

Chesslife would like to invite all students from the Campbelltown district, their parents and chess-lovers to celebrate the fantastic performance of the area’s teams in the 2016 Interschool Chess Championships (ICC).

Chess in the park 2016

The ICCs are run every year for schools across the country to earn the right to compete in the national finals. In South Australia, Scott Creek Primary School, St Catherine’s Primary School and Nairne Primary School from the Adelaide Hills division have already qualified for the state finals in September held at Prince Alfred College

Since 2014, the Campbelltown Library Chess Club has been allowed to enter teams in the Championship thanks to a generous committee of the South Australian Junior Chess League.

This has allowed players whose schools did not have a chess club or who were excluded due to their age from participating to have the chance to play in a tournament and be part of chess in South Australia. The Campbelltown Council has been supportive of this initiative from the beginning.Capture

Since then schools such as East Marden Primary School have seen the potential of chess and gotten ‘on board’ by starting their own clubs. Not only did they start participating last year, they also won the C Grade title at the State finals! Seeing more schools come on board is great news for chess in South Australia.

East marden C Grade team

As the Championship draws to a close in 2016 Chesslife would like to once again thank the Campbelltown Council, without whom hundreds of budding young players would be without a club. They have been supporting the chess club at the library and the team entry fees into the Interschool Championship.


We therefore extend an invitation to all participants in the tournament and the Campbelltown area to attend our event, Chess In The Park.

Trophies sponsored by Member for Hartley Vincent Tarzia will be presented to the most improved players and a free sausage sizzle sponsored by the Morialta Rotary Club will be provided as they did last year.


Well done to all participants in the Interschool Chess Championship this year, especially those who played for the Chesslife Campbelltown Clubs and the teams in the Adelaide Hills!

See you all at the celebration!

Chess in the park 2016


Coaching junior level chess is as challenging as it is rewarding

That’s why every school holidays the staff at Chesslife come together to share what they know about the art of imparting chess wisdom to our hundreds of beginner to intermediate level students.


No single teacher has the answer to every question (especially in the chess world, where the variations go into the millions!). By working as a team the Chesslife staff make sure all our students benefit from the same high quality learning experience delivered within the Step Method chess curriculum.


The best way to make sure our high standards are met is through collaboration between coaches. Once a term, we consult on everything from teaching tricky lessons like checkmating with a king and queen to using terminology appropriate to the developmental level of your class.


There’s no greater asset to a strong business than a strong team, and as Henry Ford said:


‘Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success’.

Of course, the benefits of teamwork go beyond sharing didactic knowledge. Being among a group of enthusiastic chess players keen to share their skills is inspiring for everyone involved in chess.


 We all learn from each other, and ultimately become better coaches!

Click here to find out more about the Chesslife team.

Want a Mental Health Boost? Play Games!

It’s well known that playing chess makes you smart, but did you know it also makes you happy?


After criticisms that the recent Pokemon Go craze has led some keen players into dangerous situations, a lecturer at the University of Melbourne emerged in support of the trend.

pokemon logi


His research has shown what our chess coaches have always known: playing games is an excellent way to relax and get your brain working in a positive way. If approached correctly, chess can bring the same mental health rewards.

As these Sydney players have discovered, it’s also a great way to get yourself out of the house and interacting with others.

So what are you waiting for? Get those pieces moving! 

Here’s something to get you started:



Why we use the Dutch Learning System

The Chesslife Method of Learning Chess

When head coach and Chesslife founder David Koetsier along with Sabrina came to Australia in 2005, they brought more than their Dutch accents and an appreciation of European coffee with them.

Since Chesslife began in 2010, students in Adelaide and Australia have benefited from a structured learning system uniquely created in the Netherlands to develop talent from a young age. This method is known as the Step by Step Method.

What is the Step Method?

Widely used throughout schools and chess clubs in Europe and increasingly the world, the Step Method provides trainers and students with a logical way to introduce chess concepts at exactly the right level for their experience with the game.


Presented in a series of six steps, each with an accompanying series of workbooks, the Step Method introduces chess material in increasing complexity, all the way from beginner’s chess in Step One to master level play in Step Six.


What makes the Step Method so successful at bringing out the best in young kids? The answer lies in the method of teaching, which relies on quality coaches who are familiar with the didactic teaching processes included in the Step Method.13418680_1362356690445244_420211662090243346_n

Chesslife coaches, like those that have used the same techniques to develop some of Europe’s most impressive chess talents. GrandMaster Loek van Wely was a student using the workbooks and understand that young minds learn chess in stages.

Spatial skills, for example, come only after players understand the unique value of each of the pieces. In other words, there’s no point learning how to checkmate if you can’t first keep all your pieces safe!

Every Chesslife student completes the same Step Method workbooks , which act as guides on their progress. That way our coaches always know what level their students are at, which topics are understood and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Parent can use those same methods at home.Untitled

The tournament results speak for themselves, with a growing South Australian Junior Chess Community. It is also evident in the classroom where kids can’t wait to use the workbooks in the class and the coaches who have seen the results first hand.

Playing chess has long been known to produce impressive scholastic results. And combined with the method, Chesslife provides students with the great benefits from this proven teaching method.

We may not have Dutch quality coffee, but at least Australia has the Step Method!


Why should you choose an accredited tutor?

At Chesslife we pride ourselves on the quality of the coaching we deliver to the schools, disability support services and community groups we work with. While we believe firmly that chess is an exciting and accessible sport for anyone to learn and play, we also know that teaching it isn’t something just anyone can do.

What qualities should you look for in a chess coach?

And how can you make sure your coach knows how to make chess engaging and bring out the best it has to offer bright young minds?

Accredited Tutor


One way is to look for an accredited tutor. Accredited tutors are required to undertake an independently assessed, world-leading tutor training qualification, and have their background and qualification thoroughly checked out before they’re approved.


They’re also accountable to the Australian Tutoring Association’s Industry Standards, so you know you’re working with a tutor you can trust.

All of our Chesslife chess coaches are fun, knowledgeable and helpful teachers, as well as experienced players in their own right.


We train them to use the Step by Step Method of teaching chess, a proven technique that was developed in the Netherlands 20 years ago to bring a logical and progressive structure to chess learning.

You can now check out our head coach, David Koetsier’s accredited tutor profile here!